Monday, May 21, 2007


This post comes with the hope that we all take a beat to reflect upon the tragedy that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus two days ago.

We received the unsettling news while filming interviews with some former soldiers who are now working as extras on the STOP-LOSS set. Needless to say, it caused a great deal of pause in all of us. We could hardly believe it each time a new update of the body count came in.

Working on a project that deals so heavily with media, and with people who put their lives on the line everyday, we can't help but think about the way that tragedies like this - and like the ones that occur everyday with our soldiers overseas - get portrayed in the news. Here's to the hope that the families and friends of the victims are given proper time and space to grieve, that their stories are told honestly, and that their emotions are not exploited or manipulated to attract audiences or ratings.

Our hearts go out to all victims of this unexplainable act of violence.

- Unfiltered and Real

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