Thursday, July 05, 2007




The following list was sent to us from a military wife we work with. Read it, pick a point you like -- or MAKE UP YOUR OWN - and then SHOOT IT ON VIDEO. Then, we'll take of you sending the footage to us and we'll make a great SHORT VIDEO and credit everybody when it gets posted on YouTube!

Check out the list and let us know what you think... Myspace us or email us at


1) you're under the sink fixing it and your soldier is fixing dinner with the kids running around and it all seems perfectly normal.

2) your laundry piles are sorted by: lights, colors and green army stuff

3) When you understand Army acronyms and when talking to your friends from home you forget that they don't.

4) You have snacks in your cupboards from icky boxed lunches.

5) when you start choosing green as your color of choice for walls... and curtains... and carpets... and clothing.... and um...

6) you have an arsenal of air fresheners at your disposal. (Man, those guys stink up the bathroom like Hades when they get fresh food in them after they have been eating MREs for a week or longer).

7) you have a spare room for gear and are still looking for a bigger place incase your family grows!

8)you have to unload gear from the trunk of the car in the middle of the grocery store parking lot to fit the groceries in that you just bought

9)When you call to get rescued by your DH and he shows up in a military vehicle and uniform because the 'helpful' guy at Zellers locked your keys in the trunk and of course mall security has to swing by to see what's going on

10) you have used gun tape to tape up packages, curtains, extra cord or any other thing that needs to be kept in place.

11) You have 1900 combat boots in your front doorway and NONE of them have a match

12) You have, at one point, slept with a Ranger Blanket

13)You ask your hubby to iron YOUR pants/clothes....
cause he is just so much better at it, and with much more experience! lol!

14) You are the one who will always have to peel the potatoes for supper--he will volunteer for everything else BUT that--cause he had enough of peeling them during other army exercise! (was that in basic??)

15)When you first meet your new man and he only owns green boxers and army socks...

16)When you moved in together: *You: boxes and packing paper
* Him: 1 Duffel bag (olive drab or digital camo green) or barrack box (olive drab green) or bivy bag (Olive drab or digital camo green)

17)when it looks like the entire base QM threw up in your basement

18) when as the days pass in your new place you notice army items making homes on the kitchen window sill, living room book shelf, living room end tables, bedroom dressers AND night tables...need I continue?

19) when you have your first night over at his place and his bedroom doesn't have dressers, he has TWO closets in the bedroom, one for CIVI clothes, one for ARMY clothes and sock and boxers are out of barrack boxes. (let me just say he is lucky he was a good kisser)

20) when the office closet is now the designated ARMY closet and he is worried about that closet if that room is going to be a nursery

21) when you find yourself very turned on from him mowing the grass in combat pants and the green t-shirt.

22) you tell your children 'suck it up and soldier on'

23) you have an official army room

24) you care more about his dress greens then your own wedding dress

25) when boot polishing becomes a major family event

26) When one of your "decorations" is a piece of shrapnel

27)When you wear some of your guys kit like their PT gear when they are not having to use it

28) When you have spent a good part of your day searching for your DH's beret, for the 3rd time that day... finally your soldier learns to ask his "soldier wanna be" 5 year old where it is.............found in .0001 of a sec.

29) When your children call every man in combats "daddy"

30)A driving trip is referred to as the family road move (and along the way he has to point out every refueling/rest stop point the military uses) along the Yellow head or Trans Can route.

31) he can't always recall all the information regard the kids(bday's, school trips,etc..) but can recall any military event from history.

32) the conversation always ends up with a story from a sail/tour or course.

33) the kids are used to dad leaving for long, frequent periods of time and when he's home for awhile they wonder when he's leaving again.

34) you're kind of scared to unpack that final box cuz chances are once you do and your place is finally set up and livable(sp?) it's time to pack up and move again

35) you find green/brown camo paint in your make-up kit

36) your socks,towels,underwear are all rolled up in a tight ball and put neatly away

37) he strategically packs your weekend bag and actually fits everything in

38) when you go camping he makeshifts a 'rucksack' out of your backpack and the tent is green

39) When you are his study buddy for a course he is on and you know all the names of parts/pieces/mechanisms/rates of fire and characteristics of the equipment (so much so you think you deserve the same pay he is receiving).

40) you can recite the phonetic alphabet...

41) 1 man=1 kit even applies to our 2 year old!!

42) your introduced to your husband's co-worker by their first name and you ask then for their last name instead because you'll never remember their first name.

43) when your with military friends you call you husband by his last name but with civi friends you call him by his first name.

44) you break up most categories by two sections civi and military i.e. I live in civi housing, wear civi clothes, have a civi job etc.

45) you are fluent in acronyms.

46) repairing a warp-core conduit sounds easier than some of his field repairs
47) your outdoor flower pots are mis-matched boots
48) you know how to pack his kit as well as he does.

49) your children ask for green backpacks so they can look like Daddy (they both want to be just like him )

50) Cutlery consists of the fold up kfs (knife, fork spoon) Your bug spray will strip paint and melt plastic at the same time.

51) *You use your hubby's barrack box to pack for Christmas Vacation

52) Your junk door is filled with more lint brushes and sticky rollers than anything else

53) You call your husband "secretly" or not so secretly in public by patting your head. (use this sparingly or you might look like a nut job!)

54) You know you're an Army wife when your husband makes it to his work timings at least 15 minutes prior, but drags his but when it's for anything else.

55) You just clean the kitchen floor... then hubby comes home and now it's streaked with scuff marks

56) No matter how many times you see your hubby in his DEU's, you still melt every time he puts it on.

57) Your DH answers you by just raising his hand to acknowledge that he heard you

58) You know you are an army wife when you sit there and criticize the drill being done on parade!

59) You know you are an Army Wife when on a telephone conversation you hear "Say Again Over", and you repeat what you last said without blinking an eye.

60) when you tell your dh your going to rack out..

61) when you tell new army wives who are sad their dh is away on course.. don't worry hun there will come a day when you will ask when he's leaving again and be somewhat

62) when he comes home from the field and you yell at him from whatever room your in to jump in the shower then come talk!!!

63) You're posted for the 4th time and all your household furniture and items still have all the original 3 the numbered yellow/green stickers on them

64) more than half of the lint in the garbage can by the dryer is green

65) You can spot a military member, dressed in civvies, on a bus as soon as you look at him ... you know the look, short hair, grey t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.

66) You know you are an army wife/girlfriend when you live together and actually spend more time apart

67) when your husband is on leave and spends the time complaining about the "state" of the house. I am surprised he hasn't given me extras.

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